Greg Young webcast

Greg Young made his first summer webcast live from PCMS Conseil office in Montreal today. I work at PCMS so I had the chance to listen to it live.

The presentation was about how the DDD Ubiquitous Language is actually not that ubiquitus. In résumé, Ubiquitus Language can only be ubiquitus if you place it in a bounded context. If you have Eric Evans blue blook read the chapter 14. If you don’t have it, get it. Or go to DDD-Step-by-Step, it’s a great start.

He also explained why separating your bounded context from the start is important. Since you won’t be using DDD in all of them, you need to abstract them and focus on the core of your business. It’s alot like the AGILE priorisation technique, you split your context, then focus on the core business of your client, the one where your client need an advantage. This way you can see an ROI of using DDD, because the technique is more expensive than other simpler approach.

It was a nice presentation, minor some technical problems (wich I didn’t have, since I was on site). The presentation was recorded, I’ll post a link to the video here once Greg put it online.

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